In order to maintain the health of your eyes, thorough eye examinations are important for people of all ages, regardless of whether or not you need eyeglasses. Your vision plays a vital role in your life each and every day, which is why it is so important to take the right steps for maintaining good eye health. At Specs Eye Care we provide a variety of services, from general exams to corrective surgery evaluations. We also carry a wide selection of eyeglass frames for our patients as well. Please call us at (706) 396-7671 if you have any questions or would like to set up an appointment.
- Comprehensive Eye Exams for Adults and Children (beginning at age 5)
- Contact lens Evaluations and Fits: including soft, scleral, rigid gas permeable (RGPs), hybrid and medically necessary fits (post-surgical, keratoconus, etc-see information below regarding Eaglet eye surface profiler)
- Medical Eye Exams to diagnose and manage eye diseases like diabetes, dry eye disease, cataracts, eye infections, abrasions, keratoconus, etc
- Optovue Wellness OCT
- Optomap retinal imaging
- Eaglet Eye Surface Profilometry
Have you been diagnosed with keratoconus? Have you had complications with your vision after having LASIK, RK or PRK? Have you had a corneal transplant? Many of these conditions make it hard to see clearly with regular contact lenses or eyeglasses. Certain patients greatly benefit from special types of contact lens, such as hybrid lenses and scleral lenses. These complex lenses provide superior optics and can often decrease glare, starbursts and haloes that can result from irregular astigmatism.
In an effort to enhance our ability to fit specialty contact lenses (scleral and hybrids) for patients with irregular corneas, we have invested in the Eaglet-Eye Eye Surface Profilometer. By measuring over 350,000 data points across 20mm of the front surface of the eye, this instrument gives unmatched measuring accuracy across the cornea, limbus (area between cornea and white of eye) and large areas of the sclera (white of the eye). These accurate measurements help to enhance your fitting experience, allow for more comfortable fits, and decrease contact lens comfort issues. Dr. Casey Roland would love to work with you if you are not satisfied with your vision in glasses!
Full Service Optical
- Large selection of designer frames for all ages
- Save $$ on our Value Line of Eyeglasses
- Sunglasses: both Prescription and non-prescription
- Contact Lenses and excellent rebates on annual supply purchases
- Warranty coverage on all Eyeglasses with free adjustments and repairs
- Military discount
- Multiple pair discount